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3CS Proposals and Program




Dates, times and additional sessions will be posted in the coming weeks.

Track 1: Evidence-Based
How can or does cybersecurity instruction or practice impact individual competence development or organizational effectiveness? In other words, what is the efficacy (the ability to produce a desired or intended result) of a proposed tactic, technique, protocol, or procedure? How can we be sure our teaching or the cybersecurity practices included in a curriculum actually work? Sessions in this track can focus on efficacy and assessment of exercises and labs, an entire course, or an entire curriculum, or it can introduce new methods for valid assessments of learning or impact.


Focus Groups

  • Developing Competency Through Competitions

Hands-On Labs

  • STOP LECTURING! Building a Story-Based Competency-Based Curriculum

Panel Presentations

  • Graduates vs. Non-Graduates: A Study of IT Hiring Trends

  • Ready or Not? Determining a Student's Readiness for an Information Security Fundamentals Course



  • ​Building a Secure Network Infrastructure: How to Teach a Hands-on Project-Based Course

  • Integration of the NICE Work Roles in Cybersecurity Certificate and Degree Program Curriculum

  • The Efficacy of Cyber Education in Incident Response


Software Demo

  • ​Infosec Learning-Tools to Help Build Skills! Track Progress and Amp up Your Program’s Effectiveness.


Track 2: Instruction
How do you teach cybersecurity principles, safe practices, and hands-on skills? What’s new and different? Share with your colleagues the ideas, strategies, and techniques needed to teach new subjects, introduce cybersecurity into their curriculum, or enhance their existing courses. Sample subjects: secure coding, incident response, risk assessment, HIPPA, FERPA, and cybersecurity practices in finance, energy, utilities, medical records, and law enforcement.


Hands-On Labs

  • Hands on Cyber Analysis to Determine Infection/ Hacking Vectors to Reconstruct Real Scenarios

  • Hands On Open Source Forensic Tools with Academic Cases

  • How Does the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Program Affect Your Students and Institution

  • From Browser Analysis to Memory Analysis: FTK Investigations

  • Teaching Network Design And Linux Firewall Implementation Using VMware for CyberSecurity Instruction


Panel Presentations

  • Advancing Cyber Education with Hands-On Components

  • Crypto Techniques Allow Distrusting Parties to Perform Joint Computations! Ready to Teach Them?

  • Disruptive Learning; Failure as a Path to Success

  • FORCCE-ATE: NSF Grant Development and Mentoring Program for Cyber Faculty

  • Innovative ATE Cyber Education Projects @ Community Colleges

  • Opening the Aperture: Creating Space for Mastery in Cybersecurity Education


  • A Project Management Course for Cybersecurity Professionals

  • Authoritative References without the cost: introducing students to no-cost research sources

  • Incorporating Bug Bounty into a Cybersecurity Class

  • "Cybersecurity for the Digitally Challenged "How to Create an Interactive Ebook"

  • Training the Cyber Athletes of Today

  • Teaching Students How to Exploit Systems Safely and Ethically

  • What Do Students Need to Know About the NICE Framework in an Introduction to Cybersecurity Course?

Software Demo

  • How Safe is Internet of Things (IoT)

Track 3: Practice
How do you incorporate new devices, threats, strategies, technologies into your community college curriculum? Examples: mobile forensics, cybersecurity of drones, Internet of Things, intrusion detection systems, and SCADA systems.


Hands-On Labs

  • IoT Coordination Network: IoT Educators Academy

  • SDN Forensics: analysis, discovery, and challenges


  • Credit for Non-Traditional Cybersecurity Learning?

  • Ensuring Students are Prepared for Evolving Threats

  • Integrating Security Operations Center (SOC) Student Experiences Into Your Curriculum

Software Demo

  • Practice & Refine Skills Mapped to NICE With A Performance Based, CyberWar Gaming Platform, CyberQ!

Track 4: Program Development
How do you prepare your community college to qualify for CAE2Y status? What are employers looking for, and how can community colleges transform their offerings to respond to those evolving needs? Share with your colleagues the unique features of your college’s cybersecurity education program. Topics might include workforce development, middle-skills occupations, extra-curricular programs, summer camps, articulation agreements, new certificate/degree offerings, and cloud-based lab solutions


Hands-On Labs

  • Preparing an ATE Proposal for Cybersecurity Education: Steps to Success

  • Should Your Cybersecurity Associate-Degree Program be Accredited?

Panel Presentations

  • ​ACM Curriculum Guidance for Associate Degree Programs in Cybersecurity

  • A Journey through Shared Cyber Program Development Forming Communities of Practice

  • Building National Models for Cybersecurity Career and Technical Programs and Programs of Study

  • Community College Cyber Enrichment (C3E) Program to Light Up A Pathway

  • Neurodiversity101 - Cybersecurity And The Untapped Talent Pool of Neurodivergent People

  • Power of Multiplication: How to Engage and Retain Students with WiCyS


  • Bridging Cyber in High Schools to Community Colleges: Mapping the HSCCGs to the NICE Framework

  • CAE Process Overview: New CAE Application Tool, Requirements & Processes

  • Case Study: High School Senior Experience Cybersecurity Mentorship Program

  • Cyber Related Competitions for the Rural and/or Short Staffed Information Technology Programs

  • Foundations for Forensic Faculty: How to Create or Calibrate your Digital Forensics Program

  • Hub & Spoke Incident Response and Industrial Control Systems Security Education and Training Project

  • Integrating Project-based Technical and Emotional Quotient Skills into Your Cybersecurity Curriculum

  • Qualifying Your Community College fro CAE2Y Status

  • Project PUENTE: Building the Diversity Bridge from K-12 to Grad School with National Cyber League


Track 5: Student
Topics of interest to students attending 3CS. Examples include student competitions, student associations, developing cyber competition teams, summer camps, outreach to high schools, further education programs, industry certifications, career paths, resume preparation, interviewing skills, and getting students involved in cybersecurity. Students are encouraged to submit proposals to share their knowledge!


Focus Groups

  • K12 CyberTalk - The Power of Peer Learning


  • A Brief History of CaaS (Cyber as a Sport)

  • Building & Marketing Your Brand for Cyber Students

  • K-12 Educator Outreach for Cloud Computing:  A Case Study


3CS is the cybersecurity education community's conference.



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